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发布时间:2016年05月20日 00:00    作者:    点击:[]


Spoken English IV

课程编码:08A11120 学分: 2.0 课程类别:专业基础必修课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践: 0 上机:0











第一章: Approaching Debate 建议学时:4


[教学重点与难点] 如何掌握并灵活运用有关辩论的口语词汇。

[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about Debate.

1) Warm-up: what is debate.

2) Expressions about the basics of the debate.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Comment on the effect of the debate.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) How to evaluate a debate.

第二章: Home Schooling Versus Formal Education 建议学时:4


[教学重点与难点] 如何找到比较的结合点。

[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about home schooling and formal education.

1) Warm-up: what is the importance of education.

2) Expressions about home schooling.

3) Expressions about formal education.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Make a comparison of home schooling and formal education.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Explain “ what is your ideal education and why”

第三章:Information Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages建议学时:4


[教学重点与难点] 如何表达优势和劣势。

[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about information technology.

1) Warm-up: what is information technology.

2) Expressions about advantages(the benefits of technology).

3) Expressions about disadvantages.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) What is the positive and negative effects of information technology brought to us.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Select several students to do class report about information technology.

第四章: Migration of Rural Labor to the City in China 建议学时:4



[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about themigration of rural labor.

1) Warm-up: recall the rural labour in your city.

2) How do you define “migrant workers”.

3) What is the general attitude towards rural labour.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Learn the background of the migration of rural labor.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Explain your attitude of the rural labor to the class.

4) Discussion in groups about this phenomenon in our city.

第五章:City Versus Cars 建议学时:4



[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about private cars.

1) Warm-up: Does your family own a private car.

2) Would you buy a car yourself if you could afford one?

3) What is the general attitude towards private cars.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Learn the background of the private cars in the city.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Discussion: “Does encouraging private cars undermine public transport”

第六章: Are We Using Up the Earth’s Resources? 建议学时:4



[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about theEarth’s Resources.

1) Warm-up: what does theEarth’s Resources include.

2) What is the general attitude towardsEarth’s Resources

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Learn the background of theEarth’s Resources.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Describe the phenonmenon according to your own experience.

4) Discussion the possibility of using up theEarth’s Resources.

第七章: Euthanasia 建议学时:4



[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions about euthanasia.

1) Warm-up: what is euthanasia.

2) What is the general attitude towardseuthanasia in China.

3) Expressions about euthanasia.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Learn the background of the euthanasia in the west world.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Is euthanasia a social issue or a legal issue.

第八章: Tourism: Benefits Verse Costs 建议学时:4,



[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Expressions aboutTourism.

1) Warm-up: Describe your experience of tourism.

2) What is the general attitude towards tourismin China.

2. Session I

1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Analyze the benefits and costs of tourism.

3. Session II

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Finish the after-class activities.

3) Describe one of beautiful places of interest that you have been to

4) What is the future of tourism development in our country.

撰稿人:郑婷 审核人:宋庆伟



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