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Spoken English II

课程编码:08A11100 学分:1.0 课程类别:专业基础必修课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:0 实验或实践:32 上机:0











Unit 1 Heroes 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] 学会解释概念和因果关系的句型和词汇,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 重点是解释原因的语汇,难点为如何解释概念。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on defining a concept and giving reasons

1)Structures on defining a concept such as “...refer to...”

2) Structures on giving reasons such as “allowing for the fact that”

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts in groups.

2) Retell Text Two.

3) Discuss the quotes on Page 3 in pairs.

4) Role play and make a dialogue on the heroes in your mind.

3. Text Three and Text Four

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Explain the language bank.

3) Tell Elmer’s heroism in your own words.

4) Define and illustrate heroism.

Unit 2 Love and Romance 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会婉拒和接受邀请的基本语汇,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 学习礼貌谢绝的方式。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on accepting and declining invitations

1)Warm-up: a riddle

2)Structures on accepting invitations

3) Expressions on declining invitations

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts in groups of three.

2) RetellText One.

3) Do role play and discussion parts on page 14.

3. Text Three and Text Four

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Comment on love affairs at school.

3) Discuss the quotes on Page 17..

Unit 3 Are We the Same, Men and Women? 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会对两事物进行比较的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 描述事物异同的基本语汇。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on comparison

1)Structures on telling differences

2) Structures on telling similarities.

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Warm-up on the pictures

2) Summarize the differences between men and women.

2) Comment on the husband and wife in the text.

3) Discuss the topics on Page 25.

3. Text Three and Text Four

1) Read the texts aloud.

2) Explain the language bank.

3) Make a conversation to describe the advantages of women.

Unit 4 Movies and Novels 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会准确描述和评论事物的一些句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 应对词汇空缺。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on movies and giving comments

1) Warm-up: types of movies

2) Structures on movies and novels

3) Structures on giving comments

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Explain a couple of sentence patterns.

2) Read the texts aloud.

3) Comment on the favorite novel.

3. Text Three and Text Four

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) explain a couple of patterns.

3) Discuss the topics on Page 38.

4) Dramatize a part of your favorite movie.

Unit 5 Stereotypes 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会自我辩解和自我矫正的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 注意自我辩解和自我矫正的礼貌表达

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on defending oneself and correcting oneself

1) Warm-up: jokes

Structures on defending oneself

2) Structures on correcting oneself

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts in groups.

2) Do group work and pair work on Page 45.

3) Describe the qualities of different races.

3. Text Three

1) Read the text aloud.

2) Explain the language bank.

3) Appreciate the jokes on Page 52.

Unit 6 Fake and Shoddy Goods 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会抱怨和表示同情的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 关于抱怨和表示同情的词汇。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on complaining and showing sympathy

1)Structures on complaining

2) Structures on showing sympathy

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts in pairs

2) Do pair work on Page 55.

3) Discuss the topics on Page 57 in groups.

3. Text Three

1) Read the texts in groups.

2) Explain the language bank.

3) Make a conversation based on Page 59.

Unit 7 Man and Technology 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会描述将来的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 关于预测和展望的词汇。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on technology and predictions

1)Warm-up of cartoons

2) Structures on technology and predictions

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Explain a couple of sentence patterns.

3) Do pair work and skit part with your classmates.

3. Text Three and Text Four

1) Read through the texts.

2) Explain the language bank.

3) Do group work on Page 66.

4) Discuss school life in the future.

Unit 8 Harmony Between the Young and the Old 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会描述代沟的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 如何用英语剖析代沟。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Structures on generation gap


2) Structures on generation gap

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the dialogue

2) Discuss the topic on page 76 in groups.

3) Do role play part based on Text Two.

3. Text Three

1) Read the texts in pairs.

2) Explain a couple of patterns.

3) Tell a story about your family.

4) Learn to get along with the parents better.

Unit 9 Honesty 建议学时:3

[教学目的与要求] 学会表达不同观点的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 英语表达的逻辑性

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Sayings on honesty

1)Expressions on honesty

2) A list of white lies

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Read the texts aloud.

2) Do pair work and group work.

3) Interview your classmates on their opinions about cheating.

3. Text Three

1) Read the texts in groups.

2) Tell a story about a well-known honest man.

3) Do discussion work and group work on Page 88.

Unit 10 Do Appearances Really Matter? 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] 学会评论衣着和外貌的基本句型,能够熟练运用它们进行英语交流。

[教学重点与难点] 用英语礼貌表达反对意见。

[授 课 方 法] 以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。

[授 课 内 容]

1. Give opinions about clothes and appearances

1)Give opinions about clothes like “stylish, fashionable”.

2) Give opinions about appearances like “charismatic, elegant”.

2. Text One and Text Two

1) Listen to the texts.

2) Retell Text Two briefly.

3) Do Group work on Page 94 based on the texts.

4) Discuss your style of clothes and hair.

3. Text Three

1) Read the texts aloud.

2) Role play: one decides to have cosmetic surgery, and the other tries to dissuade.

3) Discuss the topics on Page 96.

4) Discuss the difference between American students and Chinese students in appearance.

撰稿人:郑婷 审核人: 宋庆伟



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